James married #1 Sarah Ann Mallarnee
James married #2 Mary Hoskins
James married #3 Mette Catherine Jesperson
James married #4 Caroline D. Allen
Ancestral File Number 1PJ7-K1
BIR: pl possibly Bloomfield
!Ruth:Ref. Jones fam rec in poss of Mrs. Hazel J. D. Apedaile, 204 W. 5th No.,
Lower cem rec of Fairview, UT (GS Call No. F2 and GS B2 3A122 P295 TIB cards at
GS Church Records F251 65 pt 13 p 26-27 GS Searched IL, IA, UT records but coul
not find missing BAP dates Manti Temple Sealings Gs #23052 Pt 2, pg 64-65-411
!Ref. Jones fam rec in poss of Mrs. Hazel J. D. Apedaile, 204 W 5th No,SLC Lowe
cem rec of Fairview, UT GS F2 & Gs B2 3A112 p295 TIB cards at GS Church Records
F251 65 pt 13 P 26-27 GS Searched IL, IA, UT records but could not find missing
BAP dates Manti Temple Sealings GS#23052 pt2, pg 64-65-411
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Jones, James Naylor
LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, Andrew Jenson, Vol. 4, p.151 Jones, James Naylor
a Utah pioneer of 1849, was born April 3, 1810, at Baltimore, Maryland. He was
residing in Ohio when L. D. S. missionary operations were commenced in that
state. Becoming a convert to the restored Gospel he participated in the early
activities of the Church in Ohio, and later became associated with the Prophet
Joseph Smith, acting as his body guard upon many occasions in Missouri and
Illinois. Brother Jones and his wife were the only members of the family who
accepted the Gospel, the others being bitterly opposed to "Mormonism." While
living in Nauvoo, James N. Jones and his wife (Sarah Ann Malerny Jones) suffere
much persecution and mob violence, which on one occasion resulted in their hous
being burned and their only cow driven off, although it was known that Brother
Jones had a family of little children to support. After being driven from
Nauvoo, Brother Jones, with many of the exiled saints, located at Council
Bluffs, Iowa, where he remained until 1849, when, crossing the plains with an o
team in a company of other emigrants, he arrived in Great Salt Lake Valley in
the fall of that year. Soon after his arrival he located on Big Cottonwood
Creek, but soon afterwards moved to Provo, Utah Co., where he was called to act
as a counselor in the Utah Stake Presidency in 1855.
LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, Andrew Jenson, Vol. 4, p.151 In 1859 he moved to
Sanpete County to assist in rounding a settlement on the Sanpitch River. The
site chosen was called North Bend because the river at that point changes its
course to a somewhat southerly direction. Here the settlers quarried rock for
the erection of a fort as a protection against Indians, and when a postoffice
was established, the name of the settlement was changed to Fairview because of
its pleasant location. Elder Jones was the first presiding Elder of the
settlement, and under his direction a townsite was surveyed and city lots
distributed, while farming land for each family was also designated. LDS
Biographical Encyclopedia, Andrew Jenson, Vol. 4, p.151 Brother and Sister Jone
raised a large family, one of whom, Thomas, was killed by Indians during the
Black Hawk war while on picket guard. Brother Jones died at Fairview, Aug. 14,
1865, and his wife died there Feb. 14, 1886.
Ancestral File Number 2BSW-RW
Ancestral File Number 8ZF2-XP AKA: Malernea
Ancestral File Number 9S8L-GN AKA: Malarnee
Ancestral File Number B2LB-M0 AKA: Mallernee, Sarah Anne all "BIR: ABT 1812"
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Ancestral File Number 2BSW-RW
Ancestral File Number 8ZF2-XP AKA: Malernea
Ancestral File Number 9S8L-GN AKA: Malarnee
Ancestral File Number B2LB-M0 AKA: Mallernee, Sarah Anne all "BIR: ABT 1812"
Ref. Jones fam rec in poss of Mrs. Hazel J. D. Apedaile, 204 W. 5th No., SLC
Lower cem rec of Fairview, UT (GS Call No. F2 and GS B2 3A122 P295 TIB cards at
GS Church Records F251 65 pt 13 p 26-27 GS Searched IL, IA, UT records but coul
not find missing BAP dates Manti Temple Sealings Gs #23052 Pt 2, pg 64-65-411
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
James Naylor /JONES/ (AFN:1PJ7-K1) and Sarah A /MALLERNEE/ (AFN:B2LB-M0)
Ancestral File Number 21DK-FX
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
James Naylor /JONES/ (AFN:1PJ7-K1) and Sarah A /MALLERNEE/ (AFN:B2LB-M0)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: James
Naylor /JONES/ (AFN:1PJ7-K1) and Sarah A /MALLERNEE/ (AFN:B2LB-M0)
High Priest, Bishop of East Ward, Heber City. Indian War veteran. Justice of
the Peace. Farmer, blacksmith, shoemaker, and pioneer dentist.
Came to Utah 1850, Matthew Caldwell Company.
Taken from Elisha Jones Diary
by Annie J. Smith
(Annie J. Smith is Annie Jones Smith the wife of Sam Smith and
the daughter of Samuel Jones who is the son of Elisha Jones
and Sarah Ann Cummings)
(There are other excerpts from his diary in "How Beautiful Upon
The Mountains", pages 520-21)
I was born in Ohio State, Jefferson County, Town of Wain on the 11 of June,
1813. My parents had but four children; James the oldest, myself, Jacob and
Elizabeth Ann. My father and mother were from the state of Maryland, Baltimore
County. Moved to Ohio about two years before I was born. Followed farming and
were industrious, hard working folks. I never knew my father to try to
speculate or cheat his fellowmen in his life. He never united with any of the
religions of the day to my knowledge, but believed the Baptist Persuasion. My
mother was raised a Quaker until my father married her when she was turned out
of the church.
They raised us to hard work and taught us good morals. They never suffered
us to keep bad company.
My father's name was Thomas Jones, born 3 Nov. 1787, at Baltimore, Maryland.
His father's name was Jacob Jones, born 3 Nov. 1731 (?). His wife's name was
Elizabeth Gale, they had twelve children. Jacob Jone's father was Richard
Jones. His wife was Elizabeth Clark.
My mother's name was Mary Naylor, born 1787, Bucks, Penn. Her father's name
was John Naylor, and her mother, Mary Griffith. My grandfather Naylor was a
Quaker. He died with a cancer when I was about twelve years old. His wife die
soon after. Grandfather Jones died not long after. His wife lived until 1849
or 1850.
1825: In the spring my father moved to Wells township where I met the girl
married, Margaret Talbott. We were married 3 Sept. 1831. Her parents both die
when she was about thirteen months old. She lived with her grandfather when I
married her. Her father's name was Absolem from the state of Maryland. Her
mother was an Irish woman. They were as honest as any people that ever lived.
In early life I felt concerned about religion, but at forty I became greatly
concerned and sought the Lord in prayer and joined one church named Reborn
Methodist and was baptised. In about two weeks I was elected class leader and
placed over the branch of one hundred and thirty members in Pennsville, Morgan
County, Ohio.
About 1842 there came a man into the neighborhood that told of a people
called Mormons. His name was James Dunn. My brother James believed the work
and left immediately for Illinois.
I read their books and believed them especially the voice of warnings. My
wife was dissatisfied with my reading so I layed them by for awhile. My brothe
James went to Illinois and joined the church and was gone four years. At this
time Joseph Smith and Hyrum were murdered on the 27 June 1844.
The church was driven from Illinois. They stopped at Winter Quarters. My
brother james came back to Ohio to my father's and stayed all winter. Thomas
departed this life April 10, 1846. As soon as my brother came I was anxious to
know about the work of the Lord. Son William departed this life march 9, 1847
after the sickness of 19 days.
My brother, James N. Jones, baptized me and my wife in the night time,
because of persecution, about March 3, 1847. I immediately began to get ready
to start for Winter Quarters with my family that were left: Martha, Richard,
John, Mary, Sarah, and Elizabeth.
The mob spirit raged and enemies would have mobbed me if they had known I wa
going. We arrived in Winter Quarters on July 27, 1847, and heard Orson Hyde
preach. My wife took sick with the fever and lay three months. About this tim
I was building a log house and broke a blood vessel in my breast. I lost so
much blood I could not stand. I lay five months and lost all of my property.
James was born January 10, 1848.
At this time I let Chancy Whitting have a mare for which I was to receive an
ox. He returned the horse stiffled. She died and he refused to pay. I moved
back across the river to Panesville in the spring of 1848. James died July 30,
I bought some tools and began blacksmithing. Elisha Warren, born June 7,
1849. Martha married February 4, 1849.
I was ordained an elder by President Samuel Spaague and others and received
license of an Elder. About the time of the first presiding of the Twelve I and
about five hundred others started for Salt Lake Valley.
In the Spring of 1850 I started for Salt Lake Valley and arrived September
7, 1850. Before I left Panesville I was recommended by Jacob Hamblin and was
ordained into the quorum of Seventies and recommended to preach. Margaret Elle
born April 30, 1853. She died of whooping cough May, 1853.
About jthis time there was considerable difficulty with the Indians and we
were counciled to fort up. I helped to lay off the fort on Little Cotton.
Sold out and moved to Provo and bought two lots on which I built a house of fou
rooms. I served as constable, acted as Deputy Sheriff three years, was elected
one of the Duty Council, also one of the High Council. Joseph born May 18,
1854. Richard married Mary Cummings November 11, 1855, and John married Nancy
Elizabeth Young November 26, 1855, and died 27 November 1855.
I had sealed to me Sarah Ann Cummings by J. Morely, December 18, 1857. And
also Annie Poulson by President Brigham Young on January 16, 1857. Hyrum born
May 19, 1857. His mother lay sick a good while and only the mercy of God
revived her. Samuel Jones born to Sarah Ann July 12, 1858. At a quarter past
ten in the morning he was born.
In the summer of 1857 the United State Government sent their officers with
2,000 men to Utah to make the Mormons submit to United State Government. We
stopped them in the mountains all winter. They made arrangements with Presiden
Young to go to Cedar Valley. There they stayed till 1860 when most of them wer
ordered to New Mexico. Those left were out fighting Indians.
August 8, 1858: My brother James and his family are in the church and are
living in Provo two blocks from me. My mother died in September 1855. My
father lives in Ohio, also my brother, Jacob. Elizabeth Ann married James C. W
Evans and lives in Iowa.
August 29: Samuel blessed by Bishop JK. G. Duke and myself.
November 21, 1858: My wife Margaret had a fit and put her foot in the
fire-place and burned the toes and all off the top to a crisp.
January 22, 1859: Margaret's foot bled until it is only through the blessin
of the Lord that she is alive.
January 30, 1859: George A. Smith preached on the preface to the Doctrine
and Covenants.
February6: Dr. John Riggs took two bones of the toes of my wife's foot. It
is eleven weeks today since it was burned.
May 26, 1859: I went to the canyon and went to get a drink when a great
stone came down and caught me against a rock and broke my leg open nine and one
half inches. Breaking my leg in two places below the knee and s;it the bone
five inches. Crushed the knee bone. In three weeks I went on crutches into th
garden and worked from then on.
About the ninth day of November I moved to Mount Pleasant, San Pete County.
Wife foot no better. Commenced working at North Bend and built a cabin. My
brother, James, was Bishop of North Bend and I was appointed Clerk for him
January 7, 1860.
January 8, 1860 I went to North Bend to work.
January 12, 1860: Commenced to quarry rock for the fort wall.
January 14, 1860: I went to Mount Pleasant and found my family all well.
January 29, 1860: The rock was all quarried and hauled for East side of for
that I have charge of.
I moved from Mount pleasant to North Bend March 8, 1860. We now have 20 or
25 houses and I am keeping records for this place.
March 12, 1860: I helped lay up James N. Jones place.
March 15, 1860: The fort wall is up seven feet high with gates to close.
June 2: This day at home making bellows so I can do some iron work.
June 30: Took a tramp in the mountains looking for timber and surgeying the
July 1: I was appointed to take charge of making the road in Birch Creek
Canyon. Commenced on the 3rd with 33 hands.
October 13: Finished the harvesting, cut 30 acres and got it in the stack.
October 14: I shaved and dressed a dead man for Dr. Wadds. Do not know his
October 25: Lucy, child of James N. Jones, Clothes took fire causing her
death on the 26th of October.
November 12: Went for a load of wood and cut my foot where the great toe
joins the foot.
November 22: The Superintendent of Common School's came to organize our
district No. 5 and I was elected trustee No. 1.
November 25: Meeting called and people asked to build the school house next
January 8, 1861: Rachel Ann C., daughter of Elisha and Sarah Ann Jones born
February 1: Commenced smithing.
February 10: Rachel Ann blessed by Father Isaac Morely, Bishop James N.
Jones, John Cox, J.Y. Vance and Elisha Jones.
April 12, 1861: Gave into the poor fund one yoke of oxen to go back to
Missouri for the Saints.
April 28: Today received by the Deseret News information that the North and
South have been fighting according to Joseph's predictions.
June 5: Blessed Sarah's Issac. (That would be the oldest son of Isaac
(Babe) and Sarah Cummings RBM)
July 12: Thrown from a wagon, splitting the bones of my arm and injuring me
so that I won't be able to work for months.
Januyary1, 1862: At a meeting today word from the President for the Saints
to pray three times a day for the Government.
February 18: Met in mass to send two delegates to Moroni to a convention to
nominate nominees for the coming election, the first to be held under the
Constitution of the State of Deseret. I was nominated as a delegate.
March 3: First election in the new State for Governor.
March 4, 1864: My wife took a fit this morning and fell on a feather bed an
smothered to death. (This was Margaret Talbot RBM)
March 5: Started to Provo to bury her. Sent word to Provo to Richard,
Mary, and Sarah, but roads washed out and snow deep and they couldn't come to
meet me.
March 6: Got to Nole Guyman's and stayed all night. Went to Provo and
stayed there until the ninth when I burried my wife and started home.
March 12: At home looking over things and giving the girls some presents.
August 19: Hired Adella Cox to teach a summer school.
August 25: Gave people terms of the School and encouraged them to send thei
March 25: Visited the school and gave instructions to the teachers and the
May 25: My son, Joseph, baptized. Recorded 18 baptisms and confirmations
and seven blessings.
March 2: Richard started to Provo to get his family.
March 13: Richard came to my home, his wife was dissatisfied and they
returned on the 18th.
February 23, 1863: Mary Malinda daughter born, blessed April 19, by J.
Morely, Sr.
May 15: Received letter from my sister in Ohio.
May 19: Started to Provo Valley with my wife and five youngest children to
September 14-15: Arrived at Provo and at three O'clock a message came
advising that my boy Elisha had been hurt by a falling log. The log had falled
on his head and a blood vessel in his breast was ruptured.
October 12: Elisha remains helpless, cannot move his left arm or leg yet.
Face and eyes very much deformed.
September 29: Elisha W. Jones was ordained an Elder under the hands of Jame
N. Jones and myself.
January 23, 1864: This morning Jacob took sick with the rheumatism and died
the 31st. I took him to Provo and buried him beside his mother.
January 25: Elisha is yet helpless.
March 1: I was appointed on of the building committee of the new meeting
June 24: Elder O. Hyde was here and accepted the resignation of my brother
James as Bishop. I have tended duties to the meeting house and it is to the
September 20: Offered my resignation as trustee of the meeting house and A.
S. Cora took my place. Sold out my place in Fairview to James Knight and I am
going to Provo Valley by the help of the Lord.
October: Moved to Heber City, Wasatch County. Was soon elected school
February 1, 1865: Engaged in farming and blacksmithing.
August 3, 1865: Appointed to take charge of the hands on the bridge across
the river between this and Salt Lake City.
August 1: I was elected Justice of the Peace of Heber on the second Monday
in August.
November: Went to Sanpete, took my son Elisha with me.
November 25: Black Hawk has made a raid today on Circle Valley and killed
two men and a boy, drove off the principle part of their stock.
November 27: Started up Provo Canyon but it rained and snowed all day. Got
to Father Dickers and left my sheep and went home.
December 5: Went back to Dickers and got m y sheep.
December 20: Born John C. Jones this evening at 5 O'clock.
March 1, 1866: Blessed John C. Jones myself.
July 1: Heard complaint of B. A. Norris. His house was broken into and
$10.00 stolen.
November: Went to Sanpete and brought Caroline D. Jones home with me and
returned to Payson to meet my son Elisha with the stock. Gone five days.
December 12: Went to Salt Lake City to take some cattle and get a stove for
the school house.
December 15: Took my wife, Sara Ann and Caroline through the Endowment Hous
where Brother Woodruff sealed Sarah Ann to me for time and all eternity and m y
first wife, Margaret, was sealed to me. Sarah Ann being Proxy. Also Caroline
was sealed to me for time and to my brother, James, for eternity. She has five
children: Mary, Isaac, Lavina and James N.
January 25, 1868 Harriet Lenora Jones born and blessed March 1st by J.W.
March 15: Received letter from Elizabeth Knight, all eaten up by
March 26, 1868: Nancy Jane born. Blessed April 25, by T. H. Giles.
January 3, 1869: A meeting out to Echo Valley.
March 25: Went to Salt Lake City for the 20% coming to my company for
railroad work, but it was not paid in.
April 4: At meeting today teams called to haul lime for the tithing office.
Stephen Bond's child blessed.
June 5: Received a letter from James C. W. Evans giving the death of my
father, Thomas Jones. I believe he was over 83 years old.
September 15: Harriet Lenora, daughter of Elisha and Caroline D. Jones died
March 7: Homesteaded 1/4 Sec. 25, T. ER4E.
May 1, 1870: At meeting Nymphus Murdock gave an account of his mission East
The grasshoppers have commenced on my wheat.
May 27: Went to Salt Lake to draw money my father left me.
June 28, Eliza A. daughter of Elisha and Sarah Ann (should be Caroline D.)
born. (The family records show Eliza A. as a daughter of Caroline D.)
September 25: Received money from my father's estate.
August 16, 1871: Harmon Jones died this morning. Age eleven months and
seven days. I have been trying all fall and winter to get off to the city to b
baptized for the dead, have put down 100 names.
March 6, 1972: I married my son Elisha W. Jones to Jane Anne Pierce.
December 30, 1872: Born to Elisha and Caroline Jones, Simeon.
January 8, 1873: Born to Elisha and Sarah Ann, Susan.
June 6, 1874: Heber A. Jones born and blessed, July 4th by Elisha Jones and
August 4, 1875: Was elected Justice of the Peace.
August 38 (?): Visit of John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, and George Q. Cannon
February 20, 1876: Louisa born, blessed Feb. 11, by Elisha Jones.
November 8, 1877: Edward A. Jones born. In November and December took
cancer out of my arm. I put salve on and it was sixty nine days coming out.
September 16: Orson Hicken's boy killed.
September 19, m1878: Was at the tannery and bought some shoe leather.
December 22, 1879: Born, Caroline D. Jones.
December 29: Caroline D. Jones, the mother, died, leaving my second wife,
Sarah Ann, with a family of eighteen to cook and wash for.
Died August 18, 1880. (This was the last entry in the diary. It is the date
of the death of Elisha Jones)
His favorite song was "Oh, Ye Mountains High." He was a blacksmith,
shoemaker, and wall the dentist they had, pulling teeth for everyone.
At this time Aunt Sallie was mother to four different families. Left with no
much of this world's goods to help her raise these children. She had already
cared for Elisha during the number of years he was helpless, Jacob during his
sickness and death, and raised Caroline from the time she was seven days old,
when her mother died. Each child from four families say that she was the
kindest mother you could have and they would be satisfied to belong to her in
the next world.
She not only cared for these children of hers and the other wives, but let
her daughter, Mary, go and live with her parents, John and Rachel Cummings, and
keep house for them until Mary married. Then the other girls were sent, one at
a time to help her parents.
Her brother, John Cummings', wife died and Aunt Sallie went to his home each
day and cooked and washed and cared for his family until he married again.
When her parents became old and she had no girls to let stay with them she
brought her father and mother home and cared for them for three years. Grandpa
was ninety-three years old and Grandma was eighty three years old.
They were a great care, Grandfather was very deaf and Grandma had a stroke,
but Aunt Sallie was always kind and was never so happy as when all her children
came home with their babies.
She, Aunt Sallie, suffered from a stroke and was partly helpless for sometim
before she died. He daughter, Susie, cared for her as she had cared for her
She died September 23, 1909.
Ancestral File Number: 1PJ7-L6
!birthplace also listed as Jefferson,Wntwn, Ohio.
death date also listed as 1862/ burial date also lists 20 Aug 1880 Bapt - 19 Oc
1850; Endow 2 Feb 1852
Occupations: Farmer, Blacksmith, shoemaker.
Sources for all family members:
1. Journal of Elisha Jones has name of children & date of birth.
2. Place of birth is from Elisha Jones Journal, Sealing of children to parents
(GS ser no 25261 pt 2 p 328) 8 Oct 1896 SL Temple, records of Clyde Toyn Jones,
3. Rebaptism Cards of Ealy Church Records down to Child #6.
4. Records of C. Ray Mahoney, 119 E. 2 S., Heber, Utah.
Elisha Jones and Margaret Talbott: converts to LDS Church 1847.
Will of Thomas Jones, wp 4 May 1869 of Pennsville, Morgan, Ohio.
Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol.9, p.623
Other early stockmen were: Niels S. Nielson, the Swaseys, Sid, Joe, Rod and
Charles; Sam and John Akins, Lars Christensen, Paul and Jim Judd, George
Crawford and Chris and Bill Jensen, thelatter two being sheepmen. Chris was at
camp preparing dinner one day when Elisha Jones, the county assessor, paid him
visit. Jensen's sheep were flocked around by the hundreds. When his visitor
asked him if they were all his, he said, "Yes." Then, not knowing it was the
assessor to whom he was speaking, he fell to bragging about how many more he
owned, and that his brother Bill had as big a herd just over the ridge. The
visitor said "Yes" he knew that, as he had come to assess him too. With this,
Chris began to stammer and stutter and finally blurted out "Oh no, no, I ain't
got dat many sheep as I say, I'm danindest liar ever lived. I only got 'tousand
and fifty."
Chris Jensen died several years later but after his little encounter with the
assessor he was spoken of as "Tousand Fifty."
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Absalom /TALBOT/ (AFN:3K8W-WG) and Elizabeth /MEHOLLEN/ (AFN:8ZF2-G9)
Ancestral File Number: 1CFP-77
North Bend is now Fairview.
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File:
Absalom /TALBOT/ (AFN:3K8W-WG) and Elizabeth /MEHOLLEN/ (AFN:8ZF2-G9)
Sarah Ann married Elisha Jones who was the father of Sarah Jones who had marrie
her brother Isaac. Thus Elisha Jones was Isaac's father-in-law as well as his
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Sarah Ann married Elisha Jones who was the father of Sarah Jones who had marrie
her brother Isaac. Thus Elisha Jones was Isaac's father-in-law as well as his