A.D. 854
This year the heathen men (34) for the first time remained over winter in the Isle of Shepey.
The same year King Ethelwulf registered a TENTH of his land over all his kingdom for the honour of
God and for his everlasting salvation. The same year also he went to Rome with great pomp and was
resident there a twelvemonth. Then he returned homeward; and Charles, King of the Franks, gave him a
daughter, whose name was Judith, to be his queen.
After this he came to his people, and they were fain to receive him, but about two years after his
residence among the Franks he died; and his body lies at Winchester. He reigned eighteen years and a
And Ethelwulf was the son of Egbert, Egbert of Ealhmund, Ealhmund of Eafa, Eafa of Eoppa, Eoppa of
Ingild, Ingild was the brother of Ina, King of the West Saxons, who held that kingdom thirty seven
winters, and afterwards went to St. Peter, where he died.
And they were the sons of Cenred, Cenred of Ceolwald, Ceolwald of Cutha, Cutha of Cuthwin, Cuthwin
of Ceawlin, Ceawlin of Cynric, Cynric of Creoda, Creoda of Cerdic, Cerdic of Elesa, Elesa of Esla, Esla
of Gewis, Gewis of Wig, Wig of Freawine,(sic) Freawine of Frithugar, Frithugar of Brond, Brond of
Balday, Balday of Woden, Woden of Frithuwald, Frithuwald of Freawine, Freawine of Frithuwualf,
Frithuwulf of Finn, Finn of Godwulf, Godwulf of Great, Great of Taetwa, Taetwa of Beaw, Beaw of
Sceldwa, Sceldwa of Heremod, Heremod of Itermon, Itermon of Hathra, Hathra of Hwala, Hwala of
Bedwig, Bedwig of Sceaf; that is, the son of Noah, who was born in Noah's Ark: Laznech, Methusalem,
Enoh, Jared, Malalahel, Cainion, Enos, Seth, Adam the first man, and our Father, that is, Christ. Amen.
Then two sons of Ethelwulf succeeded to the kingdom, Ethelbald to Wessex, and Ethelbert to Kent,
Essex, Surrey, and Sussex.
Ethelbald reigned five years. Alfred, his third son, Ethelwulf had sent to Rome, and when the Pope heard
say that he was dead, he consecrated Alfred king, and held him under spiritual hands, as his father
Ethelwulf had desired, and for which purpose he had sent him thither.