Ancestors of Anna Floy Mimi Horn (Flo)
Thirty-second Generation
2752512440. Richard I "The Fearless" Normandy Duke was born on 28 Aug 933 in of, Fecamp, Normandy, France. He died on 20 Nov 996 in , Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France. He was buried in 996 in , Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France. He married Gonnor de Crepon [Duchess Of Nor after 962 in , , , France.
2752512441. Gonnor de Crepon [Duchess Of Nor was born about 936 in , , Normandy, France. She died in 1031 in , , , France. She was buried in 1031.
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updated 26 July, 2007
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