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Descendants of Adam the 1st Man

Descendants of Adam from abt. 4000 BC

87. Generation

212. Guillaume VI (G. Aquitaine , Ct of Poitiers Aquitaine , Ct of Poitiers Aquitaine , Princess of England Elgiva , "The Elder" King of England Edward I , "The Great" King of England Alfred , King of Wessex Ethelwulf , King of Wessex Egbert , under King Kent Ealhmund , Eba , Eoppa , Ingild of Cendred , Prince of Wessex Cendred , Pr of Wessex Ceolwald , (Cuthwulf) Cutha , Pr of Wessex Cuthwine , King of Wessex Ceawlin , King of Wessex Cynric , Pr of Wessex Crioda , King of Wessex Cedric , of ancient Saxony Elesa , Esla , Gewis , Wig , Frewine , Frithogar , of Scandinavia Brand , (Balder) Beldeg , (Woden) (Woutan) Odin , Frithuwald , Freothalf , Frithuwulf , Finn , Flocwald Flocwald , Godwulf Godwulf , Geata , Tecti , Beowa , Scealdea , Sceaf , Heremod , Itormon , Athra , Hwala , Bedweg , Seskef , Magi , Moda , Vingener , Vingethorr , Eiaridi , Ridi Hloritha , Vingener , Thor , Daughter of Priam Sobil , King of Troy Priam , Laomedon , King of Troy Ilus , Tros , King of Troy Erichthonius , Founder of Troy Dardanus , Zerah , (Judah), King of Goshen Judas , Jacob , Isaac , Abraham , (Terah), King of Agade Thara , (Nahor) Nachor , (Serug), King of Ur and Agade Saruch , (Reu) Ragau , (Peleg), King of Babylon Phalec , (Eber) Heber , Salah(Shelah) , Cainan , Arphaxad , (Sceaf) Shem , Titea Emzara , Rakeel , Methuselah , (His Ist cousin) Edna , Daniel , Mahalalel , Cainan , Enosh , (His Sister) Azura , ) was born about 1026 in , , Aquitaine, France. He died on 25 Sep 1086 in , , , France.

Guillaume VI married Hildegarde Pr'ess of France in 1068. Pr'ess was born about 1049 in , , Burgundy, France. She died after 1104.

They had the following children:

+ 214 M i de Aquitaine Guillaume VII was born on 22 Oct 1071. He died about 11 Feb 1126/1127.

213. Baldwin V the Pious of Flanders Count of Flanders (Baldwin IV Fair Beard of Flanders , Arnolph II of Flanders , Baldwin III of Flanders , Arnolph I the Great of Flanders , AEfthryth , "The Great" King of England Alfred , King of Wessex Ethelwulf , King of Wessex Egbert , under King Kent Ealhmund , Eba , Eoppa , Ingild of Cendred , Prince of Wessex Cendred , Pr of Wessex Ceolwald , (Cuthwulf) Cutha , Pr of Wessex Cuthwine , King of Wessex Ceawlin , King of Wessex Cynric , Pr of Wessex Crioda , King of Wessex Cedric , of ancient Saxony Elesa , Esla , Gewis , Wig , Frewine , Frithogar , of Scandinavia Brand , (Balder) Beldeg , (Woden) (Woutan) Odin , Frithuwald , Freothalf , Frithuwulf , Finn , Flocwald Flocwald , Godwulf Godwulf , Geata , Tecti , Beowa , Scealdea , Sceaf , Heremod , Itormon , Athra , Hwala , Bedweg , Seskef , Magi , Moda , Vingener , Vingethorr , Eiaridi , Ridi Hloritha , Vingener , Thor , Daughter of Priam Sobil , King of Troy Priam , Laomedon , King of Troy Ilus , Tros , King of Troy Erichthonius , Founder of Troy Dardanus , Zerah , (Judah), King of Goshen Judas , Jacob , Isaac , Abraham , (Terah), King of Agade Thara , (Nahor) Nachor , (Serug), King of Ur and Agade Saruch , (Reu) Ragau , (Peleg), King of Babylon Phalec , (Eber) Heber , Salah(Shelah) , Cainan , Arphaxad , (Sceaf) Shem , Titea Emzara , Rakeel , Methuselah , (His Ist cousin) Edna , Daniel , Mahalalel , Cainan , Enosh , (His Sister) Azura , ) was born in 1012. He died on 1 Sep 1067.

Baldwin married Adela of France Princess of France in 1028. Adela was born in 1009. She died on 8 Jan 1079 in Messinesmonastre, France.

They had the following children:

+ 215 F i Matilda of Flanders was born in 1031. She died on 2 Nov 1083.

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