List of Individuals
Hitch, Calvin M.
Hitch, Guy Harvard
Hitch, June Marguerite
Hitchcock, Robin Ann
Hitchcock, William
Hite, ???
Hite, Elvis
Hite, Faye
Hite, Florence
Hite, Harry
Hite, Jasper
Hite, John
Hite, Johnny
Hite, Malinda
Hite, Orris
Hite, Stephen Lewis
Hiter/ Rev.|Rev, William Y.
Hitson, Acey
Hitson, Kenneth Allen
Hitson, Kenneth Allen , Jr.
Hitson, Michael
Hix, Cisley
Hllis, Martha E.
Hoadley (Private), Maxine
Hoats, Sandra Jean
Hobart, Helen
Hobbs (Private), Arthur L.
Hobbs (Private), Earl Leon
Hobbs (Private), Mary Lou
Hobbs (Private), Ronda Sue
Hobbs, Barbara Jean
Hobbs, Celia Ann
Hobbs, Mary
Hobbs, Rose
Hobbs, Sarah
Hobday, Eliza C.
Hobday, Elizabeth C.
Hobday, Frances M.
Hobday, John
Hobday, John Edward
Hobday, Mary K.
Hobday, Milley W.
Hobday, Patsey Ann
Hobday, Salley C.
Hobgood (Private), Myrtice
Hobgood, Betty Joyce
Hobgood, Lewis Garland
Hobgood, Myrtice Victoria
Hobson, Anna Evelyn
Hockaday, Emily
Hocker, Fannie
Hocker, Jennie
Hocker, Lucy
Hocker, Mary Brown
Hocker, Nannie
Hocker, Nicholas
Hocker, William Kavanaugh
Hocker, Willie Kavanaugh
Hodge (Private), Warren
Hodge, Elizabeth Barnes
Hodge-Rogers, Kim Lamarla
Hodges (Private), ???
Hodges (Private), Carol Leigh
Hodges (Private), Deborah Gail
Hodges (Private), Delmer Daniel
Hodges (Private), Ellen Martha
Hodges (Private), John Victor
Hodges (Private), Martin Andrew
Hodges (Private), Mary Alice
Hodges (Private), Mary Etta
Hodges (Private), Mary Zan
Hodges (Private), Matthew Anderson
Hodges (Private), Max , Jr.
Hodges (Private), Michael
Hodges (Private), Milton Lawrence
Hodges (Private), Ralph Virgil
Hodges (Private), Robby Edward , Jr.
Hodges (Private), Rufus Dean
Hodges (Private), Sarah Coleman
Hodges (Private), Vera Effie
Hodges, Adrain
Hodges, Alma
Hodges, Alton Alvis
Hodges, Beatrice
Hodges, Betty
Hodges, Betty Mae
Hodges, Charles Roland
Hodges, Eliza Jane
Hodges, Emmett Newton
Hodges, Ensenure "Alicy"
Hodges, Ester
Hodges, Harmon K.
Hodges, Harmon K. (Jr.)
Hodges, Hattie Beatrice
Hodges, Henry Statten
Hodges, James "Jim"
Hodges, James J.
Hodges, Jean
Hodges, Jimmie Lee
Hodges, Joe Lott
Hodges, Lou
Hodges, Lydia (Zelida) Amanda
Hodges, Marvin
Hodges, Mary E. M.
Hodges, Newton Brown
Hodges, Ottway Ann
Hodges, R. T.
Hodges, Robby Edward
Hodges, Robert
Hodges, Robert Oliver
Hodges, Robert Wayne
Hodges, Rozzie
Hodges, Ruby C.
Hodges, Rufus Dean
Hodges, Sam
Hodges, William C.
Hodges, William Lewis
Hodges, Wilmoth T.
Hodges/ Rev.|Rev, Samuel H.
Hodgson (Private), Edith Campbell
Hodgson (Private), Marjorie
Hodsdon, Mary
Hoel (Private), Gloradawn
Hoelzel (Private), Michael J.
Hoelzel, Brian Patrick
Hoelzel, Frank , Jr.
Hoelzel, Susan Renee
Hoewt, Alexandra
Hoewt, Haley
Hoewt, John W.
Hoffman, Elizabeth M.
Hoffman, Greg
Hoffman, Mendie Jo
Hoffman, Nick
Hoffman, Patrick Joseph
Hoffmann (Private), Richard Adam
Hoffpower, Emelie
Hofhenke (Private), Ronald Dee
Hogan (Private), Fay
Hogan, Lisa Carol
Hogan, Luther
Hoge, Daniel Howe
Hoge, Eliza
Hoge/ General|Genera, James
Hoggatt, Lavinia Murphy
Hogland, Annette Charlotte Marie
Hohes (Private), Frieda
Hohmann, Hilda
Hohnle, Lawrence
Holbrook, John
Holbrook, Louisa Anders
Holbrooke, John
Holbrooks (Private), Sybil Lee
Holcomb (Private), Lucille
Holcomb, Eddie Fern
Holcomb, Julia Matilda
Holcomb, Katherine
Holcomb, Opal
Holcombe (Private), Donald Ray
Holcombe, Raymond J.
Holcombe, Scott Roland
Holden, Joseph Laver
Holderick, ???
Holderness, Grizelle Burton
Holderness, Grizzelle Burton
Holderness, Haywood Dail
Holderness, Haywood Dail , Jr
Holderness, Inez Simmons
Holderness, James Braswell
Holderness, James Braswell , Jr
Holderness, Lorinda Alice
Holderness, Nancy DuVal
Holderness, Penn Dameron
Holderness, Russell Braswell
Holderness/ III|II, Haywood Dail
Holding, Grace
Holladay, John
Holland (Private), Arthur Hanie
Holland (Private), David
Holland (Private), Patricia Ann
Holland, ?
Holland, ???
Holland, Agatha
Holland, Annie Ruth
Holland, Annie Sue
Holland, Benjamin Jordan
Holland, Bernard
Holland, Brenda Kay
Holland, Daniel
Holland, Dick Russell
Holland, Don
Holland, Dorothy Rae
Holland, Earnest
Holland, Elmina
Holland, Eloise
Holland, Ernestine
Holland, Faye
Holland, Florence
Holland, Frances
Holland, Frank F.
Holland, Harmon
Holland, James Fredrick
Holland, Jeanette
Holland, Jefferson David
Holland, Johnie Eskew
Holland, Johnie Houston
Holland, Judith ÒJudahÓ
Holland, Judy Ann
Holland, Kate Lee
Holland, Margaret Pope (Peggy) (Mann)
Holland, Margie
Holland, Martha ÒDollyÓ
Holland, Maude
Holland, Michael
Holland, Mildred Doran
Holland, Nell
Holland, Polly B.
Holland, Richard Anderson
Holland, Robert Frank
Holland, Sarah Jane
Holland, Sarah ÒSallyÓ
Holland, Shirley Ann
Holland, Wade
Holland, William
Holland, William Eskew
Holland, William Franklin
Holland, William Frederick
Holland, William O
Holland/ Dr.|Dr, George
Hollar (Private), Danielle Schileen
Hollar (Private), Herbert Lee
Hollar (Private), Herbert Lee , Jr
Hollar (Private), Theodore Lucas
Holler, Margaret Colleen
Holler, William
Holleran (Private), Todd
Hollern, Jeffery
Hollevoet (Private), Orvis
Holley (Private), James Michael
Holley, Frances
Holley, Fronie Hazel
Holley, Mary Victoria
Holley, William Joel
Holliday, Fannie
Holliday, John M.
Hollier (Private), Dianne
Holliman, Ethel
Hollingsworth (Private), Esther
Hollingsworth, Barnett Glenn
Hollingsworth, Joseph Coleman
Hollingsworth, Mary
Hollingsworth, Sara
Hollingsworth, William
Hollingworth, Lillie
Hollis (Private), Alisha
Hollis (Private), Barry
Hollis (Private), Bobby
Hollis (Private), Eric
Hollis (Private), Heather
Hollis (Private), Kevin
Hollis (Private), Tracy
Hollis, Alton Lavon
Hollis, David Stanley
Hollis, Eliza
Hollis, Elizabeth Ann
Hollis, Harvey Berry
Hollis, James H.
Hollis, Joseph C.
Hollis, Nina Vada
Hollis, Robert Alton
Hollis, Roy
Hollis, William B.
Holloman, Hoyt
Hollomon, Ann
Hollomon, Fontaine M.
Hollomon, James Howard
Hollomon, Walter Patrick
Holloway, ???
Holloway, Albert B. Cunningham
Holloway, Almira L
Holloway, Anna
Holloway, Arthur Kranson
Holloway, Asenath
Holloway, Augustus William
Holloway, Cecil
Holloway, Christine Orado
Holloway, Clare
Holloway, Edward Herron
Holloway, Edward Horne
Holloway, Eliza Saphronia
Holloway, Elizabeth
Holloway, Elizabeth (1)
Holloway, Ella
Holloway, Emily Clara
Holloway, Frances Helen
Holloway, James Abraham
Holloway, James Elbert
Holloway, John Albert
Holloway, John Edward
Holloway, John Samuel
Holloway, Joseph Benjamin
Holloway, Joseph Elbert
Holloway, Mack Tally
Holloway, Mary Obedience
Holloway, Matilda
Holloway, Milly Ann
Holloway, Minton Anderson
Holloway, Missouri
Holloway, Mitchell
Holloway, Nancy
Holloway, Olga Mai
Holloway, Ralph Glenn
Holloway, Samuel Taylor
Holloway, Sarah Elizabeth "Bettie"
Holloway, Selah
Holloway, Suzanne Robinson
Holloway, Templeton Marion
Holloway, Thomas Jefferson
Holloway, Victor Horne
Holloway, Victor Joyce
Holloway, Walter William
Holloway, William Caleb
Holloway, William David
Holloway/ Jr.|Jr, Samuel Taylor
Holloway/|T.M, Templeton M.
Holly, Mary
Holman, America
Holman, Benjamin
Holman, F. Oliver
Holman, George Washington
Holmes (Private), Claude Winton
Holmes (Private), Debbie Lynn
Holmes (Private), Judith Ann
Holmes, ???
Holmes, ??? (1)
Holmes, Alice
Holmes, Belva
Holmes, Caroline E.
Holmes, Charity
Holmes, Charles W.
Holmes, Fannie
Holmes, Frances Lucine
Holmes, Frank Olin
Holmes, Isaac P.
Holmes, Isaac P. , Jr.
Holmes, Joe Crosby
Holmes, Joseph Allen "Joe"
Holmes, Laura Jim
Holmes, Lizzie
Holmes, Martha I.
Holmes, Mary F.
Holmes, Mary Penelope (Mollie)
Holmes, Octavia Ingraham
Holmes, Rebecca D.
Holmes, Sallie E.
Holmes, Unknown
Holmes, William H.
Holmes, William Ingraham
Holovanisin (Private), Marcella (Marcie)
Holt (Private), Zora Jane
Holt, Alfred
Holt, Chester
Holt, Chester (1)
Holt, Chester Gary
Holt, Dollie
Holt, Elizabeth
Holt, Evelyn
Holt, Grace
Holt, James
Holt, Janet Sue
Holt, Jimmy
Holt, Joseph
Holt, Judy Carol
Holt, Lola Bea
Holt, Nellie Eugenia (Aunt Tea)
Holt, Patrica Pauline
Holt, Paulette
Holt, Roy Wayne
Holt, Thomas J.
Holt, Tiny "Jane"
Holt, William
Holt/ Sr.|Sr, Henry Grantham
Holter (Private), Clinton Ole
Holter (Private), Suzanne Gay
Holter (Private), William Theodore
Holter, Clarence Ernest
Holter, Harold Lee Roy
Holton (Private), E. C.
Holton (Private), Edward
Holton (Private), Erleen
Holton (Private), Kimberly
Holton (Private), Larry
Holton (Private), Lucille
Holton (Private), Mary Lou
Holton (Private), Nell
Holton (Private), Pamela
Holton (Private), Ralph
Holton (Private), Rosie Lee
Holton (Private), Scott
Holton (Private), W. R.
Holton (Private), Willie
Holton, Jack
Holton, Katie Lou
Holton, Louis
Holton, Walter
Holton, Walter , Jr.
Holyfield (Private), Laura Gail
Holzendorf, Lewis
Honaker, Don Edward Cox II
Honaker, Don Edward Cox III
Honaker, Robert French
Honaker, Sarah Anne
Honaker, Sherry Denise
Honeycutt (Private), Betty Sue
Honeycutt (Private), Donald L.
Honeycutt (Private), Laura Dee
Honeycutt (Private), Sheri Jeanne
Honeycutt (Private), Tammy Kay
Hoober (Private), ???
Hood (Private), David
Hood, Gina
Hood, Katherine
Hood, Kristy
Hood, Patti Elizabeth
Hook (Private), Brenda
Hooker, Dorothy
Hooker, Winneford Meryn
Hooks, Evans
Hooper, (Unknown)
Hooper, Richard
Hooten (Private), Joseph James
Hoover (Private), Priscilla Irene
Hoover, Carol Lee
Hoover, Cauline Evelyn
Hoover, George Leroy
Hopkins (Private), Carol Ann
Hopkins (Private), Grace
Hopkins (Private), June
Hopkins (Private), Thomas Jr.
Hopkins, Chertsy
Hopkins, David
Hopkins, Ferdinand
Hopkins, Francis "Fanny"
Hopkins, George Washington
Hopkins, Hanna
Hopkins, Martha Washington Thompson
Hopkins, Mary A.
Hopkins, Mary Sewell
Hopkins, Mary T.
Hopkins, Mary T. N.
Hopkins, Newton
Hopkins, Newton (1)
Hopkins, Oranna Bowker
Hopkins, Philip
Hopkins, Rhonda L.
Hopkins, Steven D.
Hopkins, Thomas Holcombe
Hopp, Angela
Hopp, Lawrence
Hopp, Mark
Hopp, Paul
Hopper, Daws
Hoprne, Benjamin F
Hopson, Lucy Elizabeth
Horgan, Edward Eugene
Horger, Bernice
Horger, David Hansford
Horger, David Miller
Horger, Mary Olive
Horn, Alex
Horn, Catherine
Horne (Private), Abigail Donese
Horne (Private), Mary Krissa
Horne (Private), William Corey
Horne, Archie
Horne, Bert
Horne, Doris Leigh
Horne, Fannie Wilbur
Horne, Ira Mae
Horne, James Perry
Horne, James T.
Horne, Jesse M.
Horne, Louise
Horne, Lucille
Horne, Mamie
Horne, Margaret
Horne, Nannie
Horne, Pate
Horne, R. Ed
Horne, Rachel
Horne, Rhoda
Horne, Richard
Horne, Roy Stanley
Horne, S. Emory
Horne/ Jr.|Jr, James Perry
Horner, John
Hornsby, James Henry
Horrell, Veronica Ann
Horsley, Annie Dunscomb
List of Surnames
Timeline Index