List of Individuals
Sconyers (Private), Willie Grady
Sconyers, Marion
Sconyers, Martha
Sconyers, Sallie E.
Sconyers, Susan
Scott (Private), Alton
Scott (Private), Bernice
Scott (Private), Francis Xavier
Scott (Private), Gracie Carole
Scott (Private), J. D.
Scott (Private), Julia
Scott (Private), Mary
Scott (Private), Ray
Scott (Private), Roger Coleman
Scott (Private), William
Scott (Private), William Samuel
Scott, ???
Scott, Alfred Vernon
Scott, Alfred Vernon , Jr.
Scott, Alice Evelyn
Scott, Anna
Scott, Arrie
Scott, Bay
Scott, Benton E.
Scott, Carl
Scott, Carlton
Scott, Carrie L.
Scott, Chessie
Scott, Christopher Columbus
Scott, Clarence
Scott, Clarence (1)
Scott, Clarence L.
Scott, Clementina R.
Scott, Daniel
Scott, David M.
Scott, Eleanora
Scott, Eliza Ann
Scott, Eliza Ann Wortham
Scott, Eliza E.
Scott, Eliza S.
Scott, Elizabeth
Scott, Elizabeth (1)
Scott, Ellen Vernon
Scott, Elliot
Scott, Emily
Scott, Essie
Scott, Fannie
Scott, Fannie (1)
Scott, Frances Ann
Scott, Frances Collier
Scott, Frances L.
Scott, Fred
Scott, Genie
Scott, George Grady
Scott, Gladys
Scott, Greenbury Bose
Scott, Henry
Scott, Henry B.
Scott, Henry Elliott
Scott, Irma Mae
Scott, James
Scott, James (1)
Scott, James E.
Scott, James Frank
Scott, James L.
Scott, Jerry
Scott, Jessie Cleveland
Scott, Joel
Scott, Joel Early
Scott, John
Scott, John (1)
Scott, John (2)
Scott, John (3)
Scott, John Baytop
Scott, John Ernest
Scott, John H.
Scott, John Randolph
Scott, John W.
Scott, Joseph Clara
Scott, Lucretia
Scott, Lula
Scott, Luther Green
Scott, Macie
Scott, Maggie **
Scott, Mary
Scott, Mary Eliza
Scott, Mary Emmeline
Scott, Mary Francis
Scott, Mary Lucretia
Scott, Mary Sophia
Scott, Mattie **
Scott, Maude Mae
Scott, Maurice J.
Scott, McFee
Scott, McLawton "Mack" (M. L.)
Scott, Mildred
Scott, Minnie Viola
Scott, Nancy
Scott, Nicolas
Scott, Perry William
Scott, Polly
Scott, Raford
Scott, Robert
Scott, Robert C.
Scott, Robert F.
Scott, Robert Lindsey
Scott, Robert S.
Scott, Roger Quarles
Scott, Ruby Lee
Scott, Sam
Scott, Sarah
Scott, Sarah E.
Scott, Shellie
Scott, Susanna (Sudie)
Scott, Tennessee ÒSlyÓ
Scott, Thomas
Scott, Thomas (1)
Scott, Thomas (2)
Scott, Thomas (3)
Scott, Thomas Baytop
Scott, Thomas James
Scott, Thomas Lee
Scott, Turner
Scott, Vada
Scott, Vastie
Scott, Virginia
Scott, Walter
Scott, Walter N.
Scott, Walter Ruffin
Scott, William Bibb
Scott, William Harrison
Scott, William M.
Scott, William Owen
Scott, Willie
Scott/ , Jr.|, Jr, Harry White
Scott/ ,Sr.|,Sr, Harry White
Scott/ Captain|Captai, James
Scott/ Captain|Captai, John
Scott/ Captain|Captai, Thomas
Scott/ Rev.|Rev, James Edward
Scott/|/Nancy, Anne Baytop
Scott/|Genera, John
Scott/|Luc, Lucinda
Scott/|Molli, Mary Elizabeth
Scotten (Private), Helen
Screven, Andrew
Screven, Martha
Screws (Private), Karen
Scroggins, Emma
Scrogum, Andrew
Scrogum, Irma
Scruggs (Private), Belinda
Scruggs (Private), Beverly
Scruggs (Private), Brenda
Scruggs (Private), Bruce
Scruggs, Edward
Scruggs, Edward Rozell
Scruggs, Mariah Cluff
Scull, George
Scurry, Sadie E.
Seago, James Perry
Seago, Mike
Seagraves, Marzona
Seal, James Edward
Seal, James Robert
Seale, John D.
Seaman (Private), Sada Seleta
Seaman (Private), Wayne DeWitt
Searcy, Jesse
Searle, Priscilla
Sears, Anna Louise
Sears, Benjamin Franklin
Sears, Charity
Sears, Charlotte
Sears, David
Sears, David (1)
Sears, Elias
Sears, George Washington
Sears, Harriet
Sears, Hiram
Sears, John
Sears, John (1)
Sears, John (2)
Sears, Lavina
Sears, Luraney
Sears, Mary
Sears, Matilda
Sears, Soloman
Sears, Thaddeus
Sears, Tobitha
Sease, John
Sease, John Leonard
Sease, Mary Beard
Seaton, Maxine
Seawright (Private), Alvin Floyd
Seawright (Private), Charles Hugh (II)
Seawright (Private), Gary Floyd
Seawright (Private), Jimmy Don
Seawright (Private), Judy Kay
Seawright (Private), Michael Lee
Seawright (Private), Ricky Alvin
Seawright, Karan Sue
Seay, Benjamin
Seay, Clarence
Seay, George
Seay, James
Seay, John G. ÒJackÓ
Seay, Nannie
Seay, Sarah
Sebert, Sarah
Sebre, John
Sebril, Sarah
Seeger, Martha
Seegmiller, Rose
Segar, Catherine
Segler, Tommie Ann
Sehorn, William Monroe
Seiferman, Robert
Seigler, Richard
Seiler, Franz Walter
Seitz, Harriet
Seitz, John Edward
Self (Private), Elinor
Self, Lewis
Sell, Jacob H.
Sellars, Cleo
Sellars, Ethel
Sellars, Maude
Sellars, Merle
Sellars, Reba
Sellars, William B.
Selleck (Private), Kimberly Ann
Sellers, Agnes K.
Sellers, Jackson
Sellers, John R.
Sellers, Keziah
Sellers, Lindsey
Sellers, Mary Minerva
Sellers, Theresa Mae
Sellers, Zilla
Selph, John
Selph, John (1)
Selph, John T.
Selph, John T. (1)
Selph, Lovdy
Selph, Love
Selph, Ludelle
Selph, Ludelle (1)
Selph, Ludelle (2)
Selph, Ludelle (3)
Selph, Unknown
Semmelhack, Elizabeth Jane
Semmes, Jodie
Semmes, Natie
Semmes, Robert
Semmes, Roger
Semmes, W. D.
Semmes, William
Semple, John
Semple, Kate
Semple, Mary
Semple, Robert
Semple, Robert (1)
Semple, Sarah
Sennowitz, Carla Maria Helene Martha
Sereno, Janet Alsdorf
Sereno, Thomas
Sereno, Thomas David
Sereno, Tyler Michael
Sessions, Fannie Carter
Sessions, Marian Jane
Sessions, Patricia Jean
Seward, Ellen S.
Seward, Mary L.
Seward, Victoria M.
Sewell, Myrtle
Sewell, Ruth
Sewers, Sarah L.
Sexton (Private), Cheryl Frances
Sexton (Private), Jamie Eric
Sexton (Private), John Bryan
Sexton, Aaron
Sexton, Ida Virginia
Sexton, Joseph Thomas
Sexton, Kate Freelove
Sexton, Mary Margaret
Sexton, Minnie Elizabeth
Sexton, Mrs. John
Sexton, Nannie Look
Sexton, Odis Eric
Sexton, Susan Columbia
Sexton, Thomas Kennerly
Sexton, Vincent LeGrand
Seymour (Private), William F.
Seymour (Saint Maur), Roger III
Seymour, Alexander
Seymour, Anne
Seymour, Anthony
Seymour, Catherine
Seymour, Catherine (1)
Seymour, Dorothy
Seymour, Edward
Seymour, Edward (1)
Seymour, Edward (2)
Seymour, Elizabeth
Seymour, Elizabeth (1)
Seymour, Elizabeth (2)
Seymour, Elizabeth (3)
Seymour, George
Seymour, Henry
Seymour, Henry (1)
Seymour, Humphrey
Seymour, Jane
Seymour, Jane (1)
Seymour, Jane (2)
Seymour, John
Seymour, John (1)
Seymour, John (2)
Seymour, John (3)
Seymour, John II
Seymour, Lettice
Seymour, Maragaret
Seymour, Margaret
Seymour, Margaret (1)
Seymour, Margery
Seymour, Mary
Seymour, Robert
Seymour, Roger
Seymour, Roger (Saint Maur)
Seymour, Thomas
Seymour, William
Seymour, William (1)
Shackelford (Private), Deborah Kay
Shackelford (Private), Ray Arville
Shackelford, C.D.
Shackelford, Elizabeth
Shackelford, Henry C.
Shackleford, Jane
Shadel (Private), Theodore Jesse
Shadrick, David Thomason
Shadrick, James Charles
Shadrick, Paul Davis
Shadrick/ Jr.|Jr, James Charles
Shands, Alvin F. (Or L)
Shands, Alvin G.
Shands, Conice? Or Cornelia?
Shands, James S.
Shands, Joseph F.
Shands, Joseph W.
Shands, Leila G.
Shands, Martha Faye
Shands, Mary Glenn
Shands, Thomas W.
Shands, Thomas Walter
Shands, Velma A.
Shands, William A.
Shands, William A. (1)
Shands, William A. (2)
Shands/ Rev.|Rev, Augustine
Shane, Cindy Lou
Shanklin (Private), Judy
Shanklin, Caryl H.
Shanks, Edward
Shanks, Ella
Shanks, Frances
Shanks, Samuel
Shanks, William
Shanks, William Hocker
Shannon (Private), Gayla Renea
Shannon, Jane
Shannon, Karen Elaine
Shannon, Katherine
Shannon, Kathy Jane
Shannon, Kimberly Ann
Shannon, Lizzie Dee
Shannon, Margaret M.
Shannon, Moses Mobley
Shannon, Ora
Shannon, Raleigh
Sharp (Private), Frankie Lou
Sharp (Private), Gail
Sharp (Private), John Franklin
Sharp (Private), Robert
Sharp (Private), Robert Jr.
Sharp, ???
Sharp, Ben F.
Sharp, Bernice
Sharp, Ethel
Sharp, Frances Joyce
Sharp, Grady Benjamin
Sharp, Groves
Sharp, Henryetta "Etta"
Sharp, James
Sharp, James Lloyd
Sharp, James Lloyd (1)
Sharp, Joshua
Sharp, Joshua (1)
Sharp, Joshua (2)
Sharp, Julia Ann
Sharp, Lawrence Grady
Sharp, Lonia
Sharp, Narcissus Elizabeth
Sharp, Robert Owen
Sharp, Walter Marvin
Sharpe (Private), Rebecca
Sharpe (Private), Ronald
Sharpe (Private), Wendell Roy
Sharpe, Matilda
Sharron, Benjamin Reynolds
Sharron, Jennifer Reynolds
Sharron, Robert John , Jr
Shattuck, Florence
Shaull (Private), John V.
Shaumloffel, John
Shave, Benjamin Evans
Shave, Jonathan Taylor
Shave, Richard Benjamin
Shave, Thomas Jefferson , Jr.
Shave/ III|II, Thomas Jefferson
Shave/ IV|I, Thomas Jefferson
Shaw (Private), Amy Carol
Shaw (Private), Ann Jane
Shaw (Private), Anthony (Tony)
Shaw (Private), Donny
Shaw (Private), Edward Coleman "Bud" , Jr.
Shaw (Private), Edward Driscoll "Bo" , Jr.
Shaw (Private), Edward Driscoll III
Shaw (Private), Edward Driscoll IV
Shaw (Private), Elizabeth Lucile
Shaw (Private), Ellen McDowell
Shaw (Private), Gary Coleman
Shaw (Private), Gladys Ann
Shaw (Private), Herschel Alexander , Jr.
Shaw (Private), Infant son
Shaw (Private), James Ray (Jimmy)
Shaw (Private), Janet Carol
Shaw (Private), Juanita Marie
Shaw (Private), Katharin Lucadia
Shaw (Private), Katherine Jane
Shaw (Private), Lenora Lee
Shaw (Private), Lillian McDowell
Shaw (Private), Linda Lee
Shaw (Private), Margaret
Shaw (Private), Maxie Beulah
Shaw (Private), Pauline
Shaw (Private), Philip Bradley (Toby)
Shaw (Private), Rosa Leoma
Shaw (Private), Sadye Standley
Shaw (Private), Samuel Reagan
Shaw (Private), Steven Mark
Shaw (Private), Walter Bruce
Shaw (Private), Weldon Lee
Shaw, Abner
Shaw, Albert Sidney
Shaw, Alexander Moon (Alec)
Shaw, Alfred David
Shaw, Aline
Shaw, Allie V.
Shaw, Alton Buren
Shaw, Ambrose Driskill
Shaw, Andrew
Shaw, Andrew (1)
Shaw, Andrew (2)
Shaw, Angus
Shaw, Ann
Shaw, Ann Elaine
Shaw, Anna
Shaw, Anna May
Shaw, Anna S.
Shaw, Ansel J.
Shaw, Archibald
Shaw, Archibald Hiram "Archie"
Shaw, Ashley M.
Shaw, Aubrey
Shaw, Barbara Ann
Shaw, Barbara Jean
Shaw, Barney
Shaw, Beatrice
Shaw, Beatrice (1)
Shaw, Beatrice (2)
Shaw, Belinda Isom
Shaw, Belle
Shaw, Benjamin Allen
Shaw, Bernard
Shaw, Bernard Benjamin
Shaw, Beth
Shaw, Betty Jean
Shaw, Beulah B.
Shaw, Billie
Shaw, Billie (1)
Shaw, Boatie
Shaw, Brantley
Shaw, Brodie
Shaw, Brooker
Shaw, Bryan Lee
Shaw, Buren C.
Shaw, Byron
Shaw, C.
Shaw, Caroline Minerva "Carrie"
List of Surnames
Timeline Index